
Thursday, July 13, 2017

TH 7 best war bases

                 This war base is the best war base for ever. Clan cc was placed in center of the village, they create more difficulty. Then spring traps are placed in perfect ,they easily picked in gaints & hog riders. And the hidden tesla was shocking for anyone.

                  This base is really Anti Dragons and Giants. With 3 air defenses, this base really holds off Dragons. With the wide extension of this base, it holds of Giants too, and also there are spring traps all over the base and they are at places where Giants are forced to go through.

                  This war base protect in double wall layers, so the troops are rotate in our clan. And the townhall was strong protect area placed, inside 4 archer tower + 2 air defences. All corner have some builder cut and baracks.

                    The most popular strategy at TH7 is, and almost always has been, hogs with heal spells. In order to beat this strategy, you are going to need a base layout that features double giant bombs, something that even the most powerful heal spells can’t bring hogs back to life from. The bottom of this base design is baited: all clues point to starting your attack from the bottom, which means that the hogs will hit the DGB almost immediately, ending the attack before it has started!


                     In this version, the base is much better protected against the ever popular LavaLoonion attack, along with a built in central defense against spam Hogs and wizards. Double giant bombs will guard your Town Hall and hopefully prevent you from being three starred in 2017!

                   This Town Hall 7 war base layout has what every war base should have at TH7: centralized air defense! The air defense within this base are very difficult to get to, which will make it hard to beat using dragons, the most popular strategy at Town Hall 7. Having small compartments will make sure that the dragons go around the base inside of heading towards the center. The whole goal here is just to prevent the three crown so that a TH8 has to waste an attack three starring.

                   Bait bases have become my favorite type of base and this Town Hall 7 base fulfills this requirement! On the outside compartments, spring traps lurking will take out any giants or other troops that attempt to penetrate the core. And clan castle will make it very difficult to reach the Town Hall, This base is great against almost any strategy: just be careful against a full LavaLoonion attack from the bottom left!

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